Attn: Women of the World

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

    noun derogatory  
 A person who will sleep with another person for money.
A prostitute

A whore is not someone in a crop top and shredded denim cutoffs. They do not deserve to be cut down to size because you assign their personality based upon their outfit choice. A slut is not someone with drawn eyebrows, fake lashes and Kardashian-worthy contouring in Lululemon leggings and an Urban Outfitters babydoll tee. You know what is ugly? Calling women whores or sluts or skanks behind their backs, or worse—to their faces. Who are you to say what they can and cannot wear or look like? 

It’s sad that I even need to write this article because of the many instances this has occurred. There was a time in my life when I would do this. I would be the one saying how sleazy a girl was because she would wear Herve Ledger bandage dresses and Louboutin knock-offs. Then I realized, Who am I to say that? If they feel good wearing it, then more power to them. And could it be, some of these girls were great people and super kind towards me? They I realized that I couldn’t be bothered by someone else’s choices. Sure some of them are catty, but who cares? Forget about them and move on. No need to spread your negative experiences with those who don't even want to listen to your complaints. These aren’t causing globally destructive and morally corrupt chaos. They aren’t making the world any more terrible than it already is by NOT dressing like a 17th Century spinster ...even if they were an asshole to you that one time at that one party last year. 

Women should be able to walk around in cut off Levi’s with their ass hanging out and not be judged or objectified for it—just like men can walk around with their shirts off and not be judged or objectified for their decision. We are so fortunate to live in a society where it is okay to dress like sexual beings or not. We could even dress up as a dinosaur-unicorn hybrid everyday and no one would throw us in jail for dressing like a dinosaur-unicorn. Just because someone dresses differently than you it does not make him or her wrong or a bad person (or a dinosaur-unicorn hybrid).  Everyone has their opinion on what it is to dress ‘sexy’. For example, our ~incredibly prolific entertainment journalists~ have noted that this outfit that Taylor Swift wore was ‘sexy’. I’m not even going to explain, just click the link. 

Instead, let’s stop with the derogatory name-calling. Let’s stop with the all-too-quick judgments. Stop taking women down and degrading them. Enough.  Let’s be supportive of other women so they DON’T feel insecure within their bodies and feel the need to dress a certain way. Turtlenecks and all. Be nice to your fellow female comrades and it will come back. Promise. xPromise. x

I set my chin a little higher

Monday, November 3, 2014

We live in a world that gets off on perpetuating hate. Oftentimes, the media instigates this, but it is ultimately the people who keep it in motion. 

People will talk behind other’s backs and slander their friends. They will take mindless gossip and spread it like wildfire, not thinking twice about the ground they burn. 

I’ve recently noticed how this hate and negativity feels. When I’m in a content mood and suddenly think and ugly thought, I can feel the tightening of muscles throughout my body. I can feel my face become tense and I begin to hate how this negativity can take control. One thought. One word. One action. That’s all it takes to keep the cycle going. 

We don’t know what another person has been through, so a lighthearted joke can instantly set the tone for an entire day, week, month, hell throw in the year. Yes, we can all block it out, set our chin a little higher, and continue on, but that does not mean that it doesn’t affect us. We carry it with us and some choose to break off a little piece and hand it to another person, while others will grin and bear it while it dissolves in their hands. The decision is yours and it will define who you are. 

My favorite so-called “lighthearted” comment always regards my college major choice—English Literature. I’ve become wary of telling people willingly what my major is because the follow up comment is “Have fun being a barista,” or “So you want to teach?” I have an interest in neither. Writing is my crutch and I do it well when I am paying attention. Life happens after college and wherever it takes me is where I will be. I have plans, but they aren’t solid. No good plan is. The secret is to admit nothing to other people when it comes to you. And who are you to tell me what my future does and does not behold? Also, these people do not know about the anxiety and depressive disorders that reside in my being and how they are triggered by these “lighthearted” comments. I’m not here to talk about that though. Just that one comment will set a fire in motion, not a creative fire, a destructive one. There’s this quote from Fight Club that says, “Now, self destruction is the answer.” What if this is only the answer when we are the ones destroying ourselves? 

Be kind to everyone you speak to and don’t tear other people down because you don’t know how much of them was left before you began. Many people can put on a good face while their mind is in shambles. So much hate and negativity dwells in this world and I promise you that you will have a positive effect on those you share your kindness with. It’s the only way to get through the bad days and it is the only way to amplify the good ones. x
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