A Tribute to Leonardo's Headband

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let's all take a moment and appreciate Leo's hairstyle choices. Namely, the majesticalness that is the Leoband*. That's right. I'm making it a thing now. He has sported this style since his teenage years. That's commitment.

Work that headband, Leo. 

All photos via Tumblr because they're the only internet people who seem to care about the important things in life and therefore they are the best internet people. Original sources are nearly impossible to find in the deep dark hole that is 1990s Tumblr photos.

*The term "Leoband" is all mine. You're welcome, world. Also, "majesticalness" is a word now, do so with it what you will. Gold stars for everyone who uses Leoband and majesticalness in the same sentence. Okay, take care now, bye bye then.


  1. I cannot tell you how many people loved this in my Bio lecture. It was a great bonding experience.

    1. Ahh this makes me so happy! Thanks for sharing :)


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