Holiday Candle City DIY

Monday, November 25, 2013

Kittens! How are all of you? I'm absolutely chipper today because it's nearing the holidays. I count Black Friday as a holiday too. Five-dollar DVDs?! Turn up. Anywho, I made a little DIY video over on the YouTubes and I would love for you to check it out. I figured I would film a DIY instead of doing it step-by-step. Perhaps I'll do this with makeup. Hint, Hint. Wink, wink. Maybe another Hunger Games look, mm? 

Be sure you subscribe and like the matters :)


Thursday, November 21, 2013

I returned home from Boston a few days ago and am already missing all of my friends...and the cold weather. It was almost 75 degrees in Phoenix yesterday. It's not supposed to be that hot in November. I mean, really, come on. Today is a little better because the sky is gray and a storm is looming. Here are a few picture's from my trip and *drumroll* a new YouTube intro video! Weee!

Shoes, Steve Madden; Bag, Louis Vuitton; Leaf, A tree from the earth.

Pants, See by Chloe; Coat and Shirt, not exactly sure.

Typical iPhone coffee picture. So obscure...

I have quite a few videos planned for the rest of November and December. Ideas for new videos come easily during these chilly holiday months. Yesterday I filmed a new intro video to restart the page. I have a new video to upload on Monday that I think all of you will enjoy! In the meantime, watch the one below. Be sure to switch the video into HD.

Want to see Part 1?
Check out my personal blog by clicking the link below:

Midterms Week. Stop. Send Help. End.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hello minions. I've recently been having a fantastic week studying, taking midterms and generally living it up within some textbooks. I just thought I'd drop a line to the outside world and let you all know that I have the final Halloween makeup looks ready for next week...I just haven't had time to shoot and post them. I can't believe we are entering the final week of October and *drumroll* Halloween week! I'm quite excited for November as I have a lot of adventures planned. Weeeeeeeeeee

Also, read This Side of Paradise. (pictured above) It's divine.

Fall Baking. Mini Apple Pies

Sunday, October 20, 2013

It isn't really Fall until the house begins to smell like apples and pumpkins. Today I decided to bake some miniature apple pies. Not to shabby for my first time, if I say so myself. I used this recipe from Bon Appetit, but made a couple of changes. I used honeycrisp apples instead of golden delicious and I added some apple jam into the seasoning. So yummy!

And of course, no Fall-themed kitchen is complete without some pumpkins and flowers. Yes, that is a pig shaped cutting board. I know it's fantastic. Also, be sure to turn on some Ella whilst baking. It makes all of the difference. Trust. Happy happy.
Toodles minions.

Fall in the Desert

Thursday, October 17, 2013

 I needed a little break today and I think this page needs a little break from makeup tutorials. I feel very fortunate to call the landscapes in these pictures my backyard. Armed with a vintage backpack full of lenses and water, I set out into the desert. It was a perfect 70-degree October day, so how could I not?

Boots, ZiGi; Socks, Target...I think...
Sweater, Free People; Leggings, Lululemon; Sunnies, RayBan; Leather Backpack; Mom's from her college days

I feel as though I should address the missing hand pictured not pictured above. That, my minions, is photo magic. My hand is somewhere in the sleeve, but how this photo turned out this way... I haven't the slightest clue. I suspect Nargles had something to do with it.

How cool is this guy? 

In the wise words of Gossip Girl, "Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be." I don't care if you judge me based on the fact that I just used a Gossip Girl quote. It's the best show ever. So judge away.

Also, I've had some people ask me how to subscribe to my blog so I'll tell you right quick... On the left side of the page there's a section titled "Follow By Email", simply type in your email address and click submit. The next page will ask you to confirm that you're human and not a robot before sending you a conformation email. That's it! I'm also on BlogLovin, so you can sign up for an account there to follow this blog. BlogLovin is great if you want to follow other blogs as well. It kind of compiles them all together in one easy place for your reading pleasure.

Halloween Makeup Series: Katniss Everdeen

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hello again. This week I decided to recreate a Hunger Games look. Specifically, this look from the Vanity Fair shoot with the cast. I had a lot of fun attempting to morph into Katniss, especially now that the Hunger Games line is out for CoverGirl. I even made the bejeweled hair pieces with some feathers and rhinestones. Super easy! Also note the milkmaid braid. That was a challenge. And...I put fire in my pictures. I'm quite proud of that so take note.

Let the Games begin:  

More after the jump!

Halloween Makeup Series: Juliet Capulet

Thursday, October 10, 2013

This week's look is a complete 180 from last week! I don't know about you, but I'm excited to see the new Romeo and Juliet movie coming out this Friday (even though nothing will beat the Leo one...) for many reasons...the main one being that Julian Fellowes is the director. I'm a bit obsessed with period dramas and he's one of the best period directors. *Cough Cough* Downton Abbey

Anyway, this look is extremely simple. I wouldn't have really put any makeup on for this look since Juliet is so young and makeup wasn't really popular back then. In fact, it was frowned upon; People who wore makeup back then were either actors or women of the night. BUT since it is Halloween, I did a very natural look. The best part? It's also a perfect everyday look!

Again, links to the products that I specifically used are within. Let's do this:

More after the jump!!

Halloween Makeup Series: 21st Century Marie Antoinette

Thursday, October 3, 2013

So, hopefully you've read my series on Versailles. *wink wink. nudge nudge* It only seems fitting that my first Halloween makeup look is a pop culture/modern day Marie Antoinette. I had so much fun creating this look and I know you will too! If you do decide to recreate this look, then send me a picture over on twitter or post it below. Happy October! Let the pumpkin spice cookie-eating and coffee-drinking commence. 

Let's begin:

More after the jump!!

Halloween Makeup Tutorials Coming Soon!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Well hello there!
I'm so sorry it's been so long. My schedule has been quite hectic to say the least. Anywho... I have a fun series planned for October. I've got some makeup looks lined up for each week until Halloween. You may not know this, but Halloween one of my favorite holidays! And we all know about my affinity for makeup.

So here's a little preview from today's test run:

Please excuse the iPhone picture quality.

I think my looks for this month will be a bit more crazy, colorful and theatrical..but who knows! Keep checking in or subscribe to find out what fun makeup looks await.

Keep it real my minions! Toodles ;)

Heavy is the Head

Friday, September 13, 2013

Can we make this a thing? Let's reclaim the crown.
Dolce and Gabbana pretty much stole the show at New York Fashion Week and I've been enlightened. I know what you're thinking, "Where on this lovely planet would I wear a crown to?" Answer: Everywhere. 

Let's begin. First play some classy and pretentious music so you feel exceedingly better than everyone else (which you already are because you're reading this post). Now...

Wear your fabulous headpiece...

To a funeral.
via Vogue

To an ex-boyfriend's funeral. 
via Vogue

When you want to feel better than everyone else.
via Vogue

To your wedding when you marry the guy your parents totally don't approve of.
via Vogue

When you've really just stopped giving a shit.
via Vogue

To the grocery store.
via Vogue
(The ballet flats are quite unfortunate in this case.)

To a Vinyasa yoga class.
via Vogue

Katy Perry knows what's up
via Huffington Post

and so does Cara Delvigne's eyebrows
Vogue Australia October 2013

Now who's with me?

Also, I've adopted this goth-rocker-queen-chic look for fall. I've bought my favorite dark lip color. I get this way around Halloween time and I'm not sorry about it. This will last until winter-ish time and then I will adopt a more Marchesa-esque look.



Man in the Moon

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Arizona is nearing the end of Monsoon season. Most evenings are filled with gray skies, dust storms and lightening shows. A couple of nights ago the moon looked particularly enchanting.  I managed to grab my camera in time to capture the red clouds covering the waxing moon. I will miss the nightly rainfall and low hanging black clouds, but I am so ready for fall.

P.S. I just started a Flickr account. Go check it out if you want to see some extra photographs! I'll be working on getting a nice collection together for my Photostream within the next few days. Link...Clicky Clicky.

Pictures & words by Elise
Please do not take without asking permission.

Fancy some words?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hello there! I thought that I would share my favorite things to read with you! I've compiled a selection of my favorite blogs and books that I enjoy reading and/or looking at. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

  • Paris in Four Months- A blog about everything wonderful in Paris (and other parts of Europe). It is the perfect blog to escape to!
  • Diane, A Broad- A wonderful lifestyle blog featuring colorful pictures and yummy food. I am quite envious of her page design as well--so fun!
  • Ann Street Studio-Jamie Beck is perhaps my biggest photography inspiration. Jaime and her husband have created the now infamous Cinemagraph. Her photography skills are perfection and her writing is captivating. If you haven't seen this blog yet, then you're seriously missing out.
  • Tuula Vintage-First off, I would kill for Jessica Stein's job. She wears gorgeous clothes and gets to travel around the world while documenting it through pictures and words. Talk about a dream job! If you are having the post summer vacation blues, then head on over to Tuula Vintage!
  • Lisa Eldridge- Lisa Eldridge is my all time favorite makeup artist. I can watch her YouTube videos for hours! Every look she does is flawless and classic--even the outrageous ones! If you love makeup, or if you're even remotely interested, then go read her blog and obsess over her tutorials. Like, now.
  • White Girl Problems- If you are in need of a laugh, Babe Walker doesn't disappoint. White Girl Problems is the satirical blog of Babe Walker, an entitled socialite from California. Her posts are hilarious and slightly offending, but that's what makes her so fantastic. 
  • Messy Nessy Chic-Her tagline says it all, "Blogging the Off-Beat, the Unique, and the Chic." I love checking in and reading about Nessy's new finds around the world. Most of her posts are of vintage pictures and little-known historical stories. It's a good blog to read if you want to share something new and exciting at dinner with friends. Everyone loves a secret and Nessy has plenty to share!

  • Atonement, by Ian McEwan- Yes. Then watch the movie. 
  • Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte- A classic. I 'm a Gothic literature nerd and Charlotte Bronte is my favorite.
  • Villette, by Charlotte Bronte-Another Bronte classic. This one is a bit slower, but every sentence is beautiful.
  • The Wolf of Wall Street, by Jordan Belfort-I have never hated and loved a character as much as I do Jordan Belfort. I bought a book on stocks and investing after finishing this book...just because. Jordan's crazy adventures and hilarious antics makes this book worth reading...twice. Also Leonardo DiCaprio is starring in the movie and you know how I feel about that.
  • Looking for Alaska, by John Green- John Green, what have you done to me? What a wonderful author and what a wonderful story. The Fault in Our Stars may be Green's most popular, but I think Looking for Alaska is his best.
  • Bossypants, by Tina Fey- Anything that Tina Fey writes is gold. You know that her work will be hilarious and relatable. Not to mention that you'll constantly be quoting this book in everyday conversation.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee- Oh, yes. Then watch the movie. Gregory Peck is one of my creepy old man crushes. You'll soon find out that I have many.
  • White Girl Problems, by Babe Walker- Yes, it is the same blogger that I mentioned above...she wrote a book! I stayed up until 2 am finishing it because I did not want to stop laughing. It's that hilarious. Read it.
  • Anything written by Jane Austen (Of course)
So that's it for now. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should read? Or do you have a blog that I need to check out? If so, post it in the comments! I'm always up for something new.

Pictures by Elise
Please do not take without asking permission.

A Tribute to Leonardo's Headband

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let's all take a moment and appreciate Leo's hairstyle choices. Namely, the majesticalness that is the Leoband*. That's right. I'm making it a thing now. He has sported this style since his teenage years. That's commitment.

Work that headband, Leo. 

All photos via Tumblr because they're the only internet people who seem to care about the important things in life and therefore they are the best internet people. Original sources are nearly impossible to find in the deep dark hole that is 1990s Tumblr photos.

*The term "Leoband" is all mine. You're welcome, world. Also, "majesticalness" is a word now, do so with it what you will. Gold stars for everyone who uses Leoband and majesticalness in the same sentence. Okay, take care now, bye bye then.

Oh la la!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

You may already know this, but Paris is my jam, but then again I say that about every city. I can't help but falling in love with every place I visit.    ...More after the jump!

Versailles: Le Petit Trianon

Thursday, August 29, 2013

"She quietly expected great things to happen to her, and no doubt that's one of the reasons why they did."~Zelda Fitzgerald

To conclude the Versailles series, I present to you Le Petit Trianon. Built as Marie Antoinette's staycation location atop the plush gardens of Versailles.
   ...More after the jump!

Fall 2013 Makeup Trends

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hello there! As you've noticed I've been posting a lot of travel posts with some fun history stories thrown in there, but today I'm going to switch things up a bit! I absolutely love beauty and everything surrounding it...I hope that doesn't make me sound vain. Oh well. I love doing others' hair and makeup because the result is beautiful. It's incredible how a person's whole demeanor and attitude can change with the flick of an eyeliner brush and the wave of a mascara wand. I love seeing people happy and light up because they feel prettier.

Okay enough of that. I've compiled a little list of some make up trends that have graced the Fall 2013 runways. Here's what I have gathered so far ...

Victorian Flush

Narciso Rodriguez via Imaxtree
More after the jump...

Versailles: Les Jardins

Friday, August 23, 2013

"First feelings are always the most natural." -King Louis XIV

Now let's move on to Les Jardins de Versailles, or The Versailles Gardens. The gardens sprawl across 977 acres with a new sight around each corner.   ... More after the jump!

Perth by Arreanna Jaye (a Bon Iver Cover)

Hello my lovelies! My good friend, and guest writer for this blog, is a very talented musician attending Berklee College of Music. She has just finished a new cover of Bon Iver's Perth and it's absolutely enchanting. Give it a listen and tell me your thoughts. A video will be up soon and I will post that here once it goes live. Until then, check out her links and listen below.

Sound cloud

Versailles: The Palace

Monday, August 19, 2013

"I have seen all, I have heard all, and I have forgotten all."- Marie Antoinette

Inside a lowly 550,000 square-footed palace lies a history darker than any room it harbors. The gilded rooms adorned with frivolous fabrics hides a violent past from it's 3 million yearly visitors.  
More after the jump!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hello there! How are you doing today?

Welcome to my blog. My name's Elise and this is my page. I will be documenting my multiple curiosities along with the occasional help of my friends. You can read more about that by clicking "About" or clicking here.

Now for a little about the name. Belle Rebelle roughly means "Beautiful Rebel" in French.Yes, I know the correct conjugation of the title of my page would be La Belle Rebelle, but doesn't it have a nice ring to it without the added "la"? I think so. In my opinion, all of the best women in history were beautiful rebels. They learned the rules, then defied them in order to create something new and magnificent. It was these beautiful rebels that shaped what we proudly call the modern world. Beautiful rebels still exist and continue to defy the rules and create what they love, for we are all beautiful rebels in our own way. Enough of the cheese, sorry about that.

Keep checking back for new posts and follow my other social links for more content! If you have any questions or would like to contribute, feel free to contact me.

Goodbye my lovelies and thank you for stopping by!
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